Sustainable WordPress: 10 quick points in no particular order.
1. Yes, it is important.
2. It is far to often ignored by site owners, designers and developers.
3. No, it will not save the planet, but it may save your wallet.
4. Sustainability is individual and relative to the needs and budget of each case.
5. Needs and budgets change, often faster than we want.
6. WordPress is sustainable at its core. But gives us the freedom to make any unsustainable changes we wish. Pretty much everyone who uses WordPress, including myself, have used and abused that freedom.
7. It is easy to tell if your WordPress is sustainable. If it’s hard to tell, then it’s not sustainable.
8. Sustainable WordPress has 3 main pillars: design, development and proactive maintenance.
9. Sustainable WordPress is not about brilliant new technologies.
10. AI does not know crap about sustainable WordPress.
And that’s just a start. Stay tuned I will be going into each of these points in detail, and very likely adding to the list.